
Committees - January 2023

Finance Committee – Fundraising Committee

Charge: To strengthen the long-term sustainability of SLACO to carry out its mission. Strive for SLACO fiscal self-sufficiency. Create and follow procedures for disbursement of funds and increasing revenues. This standing committee works with the Executive Director immediately on the steps that are necessary to make SLACO more attractive to funders and corporate, foundations, which may include establishing a track record of success with small grants, assuring that SLACO has a current audit, upgrading our outreach and social media presence, and preparing a versatile case statement about why SLACO’s work is vital to the broader community. The committee also may find it appropriate and necessary to select some members to make personal appeals for contributions.

Sub Committees Co-chairs to be selected by the committee.

Events: Trivia Night; St. Louis Home Improvement Summit; Groove in The Grove; Regional Neighborhoods Conference; Blues, Brass, and Sass and 45th Sapphire Anniversary

Greg Meyer, Chairperson

Sherri Bailey, Treasurer

Kelley Tribout,

Keith Antone Willis, Sr., Consultant

Membership Support Committee

Charge: Assist member neighborhoods to develop new leaders and increase effective networking on key neighborhood issues and assisting with a Neighborhood Association Toolkit. To strengthen member organizations through targeted programs and monitoring of programs. Recruit new members to SLACO. CDA funded programs Neighborhoods United for Change-#NU4Change, Emerging Leaders, Keeping It CleanCharge: An ad hoc committee to refine and oversee the summer, 2019, implementation of the winning idea from our 250 Ways to Improve Your Neighborhood contest. This program is for interracial exchange and dialogue, with a basis in visits to one another’s neighborhoods.

Town and Gown – Charge: To bring about collaboration between the Universities and Colleges in St. Louis and Neighborhoods Neighborhood Roundtable – Charge: Develop and implement plans for additional information sharing events, a member benefit to SLACO organizations. SLACO Regional Neighborhoods Conference – Charge: The ad hoc conference committee joins other community members and professionals in planning the details of the SLACO Regional Neighborhood Conference. The committee will plan the program, invite the presenters, coach the presenters in preparing session descriptions, answer questions from presenters, plan the logistics of the day, and plan and execute marketing and advertising efforts, all with support from the Executive Director. Sub Committees are Logistics, Program, Marketing and Advertising Sub Committees Co-chairs to be selected by the committee.

Sherri Bailey

Mark Dowdy

Amanda Davis

Leah Sweetman

Nancy Thompson

Liz Kramer

Judith Arnold

Other community experts: Craig Schmid – Co Chair Program, Keith Anton Willis Sr. Consultant

Community Development Committee

Charge: To promote urban renewal, neighborhood stabilization and community initiatives to alleviate poverty through advocacy and home improvement.

Home Improvement Summit – Charge: To develop a Conference style event around Home Improvement. Local CDC’s, Businesses, Contractors, Service Providers, City of St. Louis Services, Funders, Legal Services, wrap around services.

STL Vacancy Collaborative, Prop NS, Traffic control and crime reduction initiatives are the responsibility of this Committee. Sub Committees Co-chairs to be selected by the committee.

Angela Drake, Chair – Active

Abbie Leonard

St. Louis Home Improvement Summit Committee members

Shavette Wayne-Jones – Chair

Amanda Davis, Angela Drake, Mark Dowdy, Debra Robinson, Pam McLucas, Sheila Webster

Executive Committee – Meet 2nd Monday of the Month – 3:30pm

Charge: Promote “strategic doing” culture and approach within SLACO to advance organization goals and building of supportive collaboration networks. Monitoring of The Strategic Plan. To create and implement a Communications Strategy for SLACO, Stories and outcomes. Review and update By-Laws as needed. Participate in organization capacity building. Nominating of officers and board members. (Report due at December board meeting):

Angela Drake, Secretary

Catherine Smith-Morgan, Vice President

Sherri Bailey, Treasurer

Mark Dowdy, Sargent of Arms/Parliamentarian

Greg Meyer – Chair, Finance

Leah Sweetman – At Large

Advocacy Issue Selection: was Established in 2015

Charge: This ad hoc committee prepares a recommendation for the Board meeting regarding the major issue to be the focus of SLACO’s advocacy efforts for the next three years. The recommendation should describe the topic, the rationale for why it is important, potential allies in the advocacy push, and any specific focus and limitations on the topic that would be wise choices for SLACO. After the issue is adopted, committee members may choose to become part of a standing committee that continues through implementation, but with the understanding that committee members may opt out at that point.

Greg Meyer

Sherri Bailey

Leah Sweetman

Kimberlee Johnson

Some Youth Participants


List of Committees

We Need Your Help!

SLACO is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization that survives upon your donations.  If you appreciate our work, be sure to help us continue it.